Welcome! We are glad you stopped by!

Welcome to the Amazing Waiters Blog!  It’s been a long-time coming and hope you stop by frequently!

Over the next few days and weeks, you will be seeing a lot of new things with The Amazing Waiters.  Some changes have already taken place on the main website, www.amazingwaiters.com

We’ve added a Phantom Of The Opera Page which features our special Phantom Show option which includes video!

Our parent company, Entree Entertainment, www.entree-entertainment.com is in the process of getting an overhaul and hope that’s unveiled in a few months.

Our BLOG will be designed to communicate with you, your interests in music, entertainment, events, shows, etc.  We love to discuss and learn.

We invite you to comment.  We promise to respond.

Now, tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day.  Hopefully you included something to do with music for that special person in your life.  If not, go do it NOW!


 See The Amazing Waiter’s Video:

[embedplusvideo height=”465″ width=”584″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/Fm0LrOTxgXU?fs=1&hd=1″ vars=”ytid=Fm0LrOTxgXU&width=584&height=465&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1493″ /]