Singing Waiters Soar in Los Angeles

The Amazing Waiters:  A Memorable Hit

Having an ensemble that has diversity can bring out the most creative ideas without limitations.  Recently, we had a client request for something completely out-of-the-box, spontaneous, and very, very cool…and we’d like to share it with you.

We enjoy entertaining audiences of all sizes.  This particular event was for 600 people at the Opera House in Los Angeles.  It as so great to have the opportunity to return home in a way that would really surprise people.

The Amazing Waiters quartet

The Amazing Waiters entertain guests in Los Angeles

This beautiful night had lots of diverse entertainment that included a band, live violinists, a jazz ensemble and a handful of others.  Our client, on this particular night, wanted the surprise element but not singing waiters.  They knew they wanted the surprise to be Phantom Of The Opera first, then a well-known Pop song by Gnarles Barkley.  What?!  How do those two things work together?  That’s where our diversity came in.  Take a look at the video.  Imagine this immediately following the dramatic Phantom Of The Opera Duet with Christine and the Phantom…

[embedplusvideo height=”350″ width=”584″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=xn81Qlm2NuY&width=584&height=350&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=&notes=36%7eCall+The+Amazing+Waiters+now+855-899-7701+(Toll+Free)” id=”ep8304″ /]








The Amazing Waiters provide the most diverse surprise entertainment in the World.  Having performed in thousands of shows over 10 years, this talented group of singers are the best that Broadway and Opera has to offer.

Call us today to discuss how The Amazing Waiters can help make your event the event of the year. 855-899-7701 or 619-356-5478 if in Southern California.

More than Singing Waiters, surprise your guests with singing entertainment that is customized and performed with leading Broadway and Opera talent.  Visit the website,

The Amazing Waiters surprise guests in Los Angeles with Gnarls Barkley


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