How Will Facebook’s Latest News Feed Affect You?

In the business world, Facebook is struggling.  Stock prices have been lackluster and many investors fear that the giant simply can’t make money.

Today, Facebook announced its latest update, a new and updated look of its news feed.  It’s the latest effort by the giant social network to get its 1 billion users to spend more time on their site and to get advertisers to spend more money on you while you do this.

Since its big update in 2011, the News Feed claims the most valuable real estate on Facebook. It’s where users check out status updates from their friends, businesses, celebrities and other stuff they “like.” So Facebook is looking to make it more engaging and relevant amid signs that the younger set are not as glued to the service as they once were.

What can you expect?  Splashy bigger pictures and richer media.

Many have not liked the New Feed but it’s Facebook’s most popular feature and, as it looks, will now be able to get advertisers more real estate to get their messages across.

If you are an advertiser, it might be a good time to try a stab at your demographic.  If you are a Social Butterfly and want to see what your friends are up to?  Well you may not like being courted by advertisements and advertisers.

For a complete rundown, visit here.



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