An Amazing Experience: Singing Waiters LIVE in Riverside, California
Recently, we were privileged to sing a surprise event in Riverside for a very appreciative group of donors and guests at the Double Tree Hotel. The Amazing Waiters X3-Three Fabulous leading men performed a newly scripted show that featured many subtleties of the group and its staff, bringing just the right touch of personality to the fundraiser Gala.
We set the show in two phases for maximum impact, by creating a rouse that everyone would believe…we blamed this one on the weather (we would tell you but our competition likes to copy what we do). Later the “Waiters” returned, one by one, creating a one-upman-ship until the rouse turned into a full-blown singing show, featuring Broadway, Jazz, Flamenco and even music by the Beatles! A fun time was had by all…Especially us!
Here is about 4 minutes of live audio we are happy to post. We love performing a wide range of music like this show and others we’ve performed.
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If you’d like more information on what The Amazing Waiters can do for your event, see our website, or call for a free consultation 855-899-7701. We are really looking forward to working with you on your next event.
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