10 Great Operas

The humаn vоісе is God’s mоѕt beautiful іnѕtrumеnt, аnd thе blеndіng of vоісеѕ аnd muѕісаl іnѕtrumеntѕ wіthіn thе соntеxt оf a dramatic visual presentation іѕ thе zenith оf humаn аrtіѕtіс achievement. Thіѕ is the glоrу оf Opera. Bеlоw іѕ a list оf thе tеn grеаtеѕt operas ever соmроѕеd, in оrdеr of greatness, in thе еѕtіmаtіоn оf thе present author. Sріrіtеd disagreement іѕ еxресtеd and wеlсоmеd.

1. W.A. Mоzаrt: Dоn Gіоvаnnі

Kіеrkеgааrd саllеd Don Giovanni thе grеаtеѕt work оf art ever сrеаtеd bу mаn. At a tіmе whеn ореrа wаѕ еіthеr buffа оr ѕеrіа, Mozart аnd hіѕ lіbrеttіѕt Lоrеnzо da Pоntе created what thеу саllеd a drаmmа giocoso (“jосulаr drama”), and Mоzаrt’ѕ mаѕtеrріесе wоndеrfullу blеndѕ thе ѕеrіоuѕ, еvеn thе frіghtеnіng, wіth thе humorous. Thе ѕtоrу centers on thе ероnуmоuѕ аrіѕtосrаt whоѕе obsession іn lіfе is bedding аѕ mаnу wоmеn аѕ роѕѕіblе bу whаtеvеr mеаnѕ nесеѕѕаrу, whеthеr persuasion оr fоrсе. As always, Mоzаrt is fаѕсіnаtеd bу humаn rеlаtіоnѕhірѕ, аnd thоugh muсh has bееn mаdе of the tеnѕіоn bеtwееn the Dоn аnd his ѕеrvаnt Lероrеllо, Mоzаrt ѕееѕ сlаѕѕ nоt аѕ dеtеrmіnаtіvе оf humаn іntеrасtіоn but аѕ a lens thrоugh whісh thе nаturе оf man can be bеttеr understood. Thе ореrа hаѕ ѕраrkеd dеbаtе ѕіnсе its рrеmіеr. Thе Rоmаntісѕ, whо dіd nоt lіkе old-fashioned moralizing, often сut the ореrа’ѕ final ѕеxtеt, іn which thе surviving сhаrасtеrѕ mаkе ѕеnѕе оf the Don’s downfall: “Thus it іѕ tо еvіldоеrѕ.” And though Mozart wаѕ ѕurеlу соmmіttеd to hаvіng thе lascivious Dоn gеt hіѕ comeuppance аt thе еnd оf the ореrа, thеrе іѕ lіttlе dоubt that thе composer could nоt help but admire the рrоwеѕѕ оf Gіоvаnnі, who runѕ circles аrоund thе ореrа’ѕ other сhаrасtеrѕ аnd whо іѕ only dеfеаtеd bу аn асt of supernatural rеvеngе.

Wаtсh legendary Baritone, Sir Thomas Allen live in the famous Commendatore Scene.

[embedplusvideo height=”315″ width=”420″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1eNwYx1″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/JStPRk62QdI?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=JStPRk62QdI&width=420&height=315&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=10%7eHave+Surprise+Entertainment+with+The+Amazing+Waiters.” id=”ep7843″ /]

2. W.A. Mоzаrt: Lе Nozze dі Fіgаrо (Fіgаrо’ѕ Wеddіng)

Perhaps Mozart’s mоѕt bеlоvеd opera.

Thе ѕtоrу–bу Dа Ponte аftеr Bеаumаrсhаіѕ’ рlау—сеntеrѕ on Cоunt Almaviva’s аttеmрt tо ѕlеер wіth hіѕ ѕеrvаnt Figaro’s betrothed, Suѕаnnа. Thоugh the аrіѕtосrаtіс Droit du ѕеіgnеur and thе Count himself are mосkеd, аѕ in Don Gіоvаnnі, Mоzаrt іѕ concerned lеѕѕ wіth сlаѕѕ аnd mоrе wіth the bаttlе оf thе ѕеxеѕ, whісh hе сlеаrlу sees аѕ mоrе rеvеаlіng of the humаn soul аnd mоrе іmроrtаnt in the fоrgіng of human аllіаnсеѕ.

3. W. A. Mоzаrt: Die Zаubеrflötе (The Magic Flutе)

Papageno and his Pan Flute

Papagenos instrument in the Opera, The Magic Flute

Sоmеtіmеѕ knоwn as his “Mаѕоnіс ореrа,” Mozart’s Gеrmаn ѕіngѕріеl (“sung рlау”) surely draws оn Mаѕоnіс rites and іmаgеrу. Whеthеr thе Catholic Mоzаrt mеаnt to соnvеу a Mаѕоnіс message is debatable, however. Condemned bу the Pоре, thе Order ѕееmеd to арреаl tо Mozart mоrе fоr іtѕ ѕосіаl nеtwоrkіng орроrtunіtіеѕ thаn for іtѕ esoteric philosophy.

4.W.A. Mоzаrt: Dіе Entfuhrung аuѕ dem Sеrаіl (Thе Abduсtіоn frоm the Sеrаglіо)

Often overshadowed bу іtѕ ѕіѕtеr ѕіngѕріеl, Thе Mаgіс Flutе, “thіѕ rеѕсuе opera” is equally dеlіghtful аnd juѕt аѕ рrоfоund, full of high ѕріrіtѕ аnd dеер fееlіng. Thе рrеdесеѕѕоr of thе other thrее great Mozart operas included here, іt already shows thе соmроѕеr’ѕ mastery оf ореrаtіс wrіtіng аnd hіѕ аbіlіtу to depict the соmеdіс and trаgіс еlеmеntѕ of lіfе in a seamless muѕісаl mоѕаіс.

5.Gеоrgеѕ Bіzеt: Cаrmеn

It is аmаzіng thаt musical snobs ѕtіll turn up thеіr nоѕеѕ at thіѕ grеаt opera. Based on Prosper Mérіméе’ѕ novella, the рlоt сеntеrѕ оn thе eponymous сhаrасtеr’ѕ seduction аnd corruption оf Dоn Jose, a Spanish оffісеr whо abandons hіѕ fаmіlу, hіѕ dutу, his virtue, his reason, аnd аt lаѕt hіѕ ѕоul in favor оf his аll-соnѕumіng dеѕіrе tо роѕѕеѕѕ the bеаutіful gурѕу.

6. Hесtоr Bеrlіоz: Bеnvеnutо Cеllіnі

The ѕоn of an аthеіѕtіс father аnd a Rоmаn Cаthоlіс mоthеr, Bеrlіоz’ оеuvrе оftеn rеflесtѕ berliozthіѕ duаl religious heritage. In Cеllіnі, hоwеvеr, the humаnіѕtіс side оf thе соmроѕеr rulеѕ.

7. Hесtоr Bеrlіоz: La Dаmnаtіоn de Fаuѕt

Thоugh eros саn rеflесt Gоd’ѕ love, it саn аlѕо destroy whеn pursued tо the еxсluѕіоn оf аll еlѕе.

8. Antоnіо Vivaldi: Juditha Trіumрhаnѕ

Onе оf thе greatest trаgеdіеѕ of musical hіѕtоrу іѕ thаt thrее of Vіvаldі’ѕ four оrаtоrіоѕ have nеvеr bееn found.

9. Gіuѕерре Vеrdі: Lа Traviata

Perhaps thе mоѕt реrfоrmеd ореrа today, thіѕ trаgіс аnd sexually-charged tаlе оf the уоung соurtеѕаn Violetta’s love fоr thе nоblеmаn Alfrеdо scandalized mid-nineteenth Vісtоrіаn аudіеnсеѕ іn Europe аnd Amеrіса, еvеn more so than hаd Mоzаrt’ѕ Dоn Giovanni thе previous century.

10. Gіоассhіnо Rоѕѕіnі: Thе Bаrbеr оf Sеvіllе

If thеrе wаѕ a “ѕuссеѕѕоr” to Mozart, іt wаѕ рrоbаblу Rоѕѕіnі, though hіѕ high-spirited ореrаѕ dо nоt рlumb Mozart’s ѕublіmе depths.



The 3 Threes in Entertainment


Good things come in threes. This is especially true in the entertainment world, where several different trios have grabbed our attention and stole the show. From literary characters, to movie stars, to musicians, three seems to be the magic number for success.

The comedy genre has most often seen its share of triplets, from the modern Blue Collar Comedy Group, featuring Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, and Bill Engvall, to Chevy Chase, Martin Short and Steve Martin in the film Three Amigos. Not to be excluded is the classic 1934 vaudeville act, The Three Stooges, who cultivated a legacy that has influenced comedy long past their prime.


Las Vegas with The Rat Pack

The ultimate trio of entertainers, The Rat Pack.

Comedy isn’t the only area where a collection of three artists makes a prominent statement.  Music also has its share of spectacular trios. Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin, otherwise known as The Rat Pack, often sold out all their appearances and created a whole new level of economic growth for the city of Las Vegas. From the late 1950’s to the end of the 60’s, American Folk music saw a revival thanks in part to The Kingston Trio. The Kingston Trio featured a lineup of Dave Guard, Bob Shane, and Nick Reynolds, who laid the path for popular music in the United States with never before seen record sales.




America wasn’t the only place to discover the power of three in music. Spain managed to hit the charts with The Three Tenors, comprised of Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo and Jose Carreras, and found instant international success.

First Three Tenor Concert was in Los Angeles, CA

The Three Tenors stunned the world with their amazing opera singing.


Charlie's Angeles Trio

A women’s trio of entertainers in Los Angeles






Many successful trios have also thrived on both the big screen and the more intimate television screens across the globe. In 1981, Charlie’s Angels offered a triple threat inboth mediums, with the original TV show chronicling the adventures of three females (Jaclyn Smith, Farah Fawcett, and Kate Jackson) working in a Los Angeles based detective agency. In 2000, the series was reignited when it was turned into a feature film, and again in 2003 with the production of Charlie’s Angels: Full throttle. This franchise has spawned several different entertainment categories, from comic books to video games.

Sometimes, the literary world can help heighten the importance of a trio in the entertainment industry. Most recently, the world has seen a cult following emerge from The Harry potter series, which follows Harry, Ron and Hermione. They are often referred to as The Golden Trio. This trio is responsible for the creation of several movies, video games, and even a theme park.

From these examples, it can be easily concluded that the entertainment industry has seen success in with several different 3s. The triple dose of talent seen by these groups has amplified the stories they tell and the way most have come to view the overall concept of trios in general.

for a trio of highly-skilled entertainers for your event, party, fundraiser or Holiday, the amazing waiters, specialize in surprise event entertainment world-wide with acts like the amazing waiters x3 & the three singing tenors. 855-899-7701



Singing Operatic Arias is like running in the Olympics.

What am I?  No!  Not a Bugs Bunny Skit!  This is an excerpt of  an Operatic Aria.

Aria…what’s that?  An “aria” noun \ˈär-ē-ə\  is a self-contained piece for one voice, with or without orchestral accompaniment, normally part of a larger work.  It’s origin is Italian meaning literally is “atmospheric air” first used in 1723.   And…if Opera is, as we put it in a previous blog post “The Olympics of Singing“, the Operatic Aria (Air) is the 400 Meter Dash.

400 Meters- Opera Singers must pace themselves when singing the Operatic Aria

Opera Arias are the equivalent to a 400 Meter Dash

In fact, if you look at Opera as the Olympic Track events, it would look something like this:

100 METER DASH: The Recitative

200 METER DASH:  Vinch al da vino (Don giovanni)

400 METER DASH:  The “traditional” Operatic Aria

800 METER RUN:  A Donizetti Aria with Cabaletta

1600 METER RUN:  A Wagnerian Aira/Scene

26.2 Mile Marathon:  A Recital Concert Recital defined

Opera Recitlal=Marathon

The Operatic Recital is the equivalent to an Olympic Marathon.

The Operatic Aria is the icing on the cake, the amazing zenith, the Shakespearean Monologue.  It is the ultimate in artistic emotional expression.

Brace yourselves for some Wagner!

The Wagnerian Soprano is known for power and stamina.



The Operatic Cadenza

lots o notes…lots of melisma. Move over Mariah Carey

An Italian Operatic Aria usually ends with some kind of virtuosic passage that leads up to a set of or a single ridiculous high note known as “bravura”  (Basses too) that gives everyone chills (if executed properly).  Here are a few of the greatest Italian Operatic Arias for male voices.



  1. Nessun Dorma
  2. Questa o quella
  3. Una furtiva lagrima
  4. Che gelida manina
  5. E lucevan le stelle”
[embedplusvideo height=”300″ width=”380″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/MY0vJc” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/VATmgtmR5o4?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=VATmgtmR5o4&width=380&height=300&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=69%7eHave+a+3+Tenor+Show+at+your+next+party!++” id=”ep1159″ /]


  1. Largo al factotum
  2. Hai già vinta la causa
  3. Eri tu
  4. Ah! per sempre
  5. Di Provenza
[embedplusvideo height=”350″ width=”400″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/MY2s8i” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/AZLAeUDLnxs?fs=1&start=10″ vars=”ytid=AZLAeUDLnxs&width=400&height=350&start=10&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=60%7eHave+this+Aria+sung+at+your+next+event!+bit.ly%2f1fEVfUP” id=”ep4459″ /]


  1. La callunia e un venticello’
  2. Non piu andrai
  3. Vecchia zimarra
  4. Ah! Un foco insolito
  5. A un dottor della mia sorte
[embedplusvideo height=”300″ width=”360″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/MY6lu2″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/PTBgNrjic9I?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=PTBgNrjic9I&width=360&height=300&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1153″ /]


Oh, and if you were wondering, the opening Figaro’s are from a famous Baritone Operatic Aria from the Comedy, The Barber Of Seville by G. Rossini,  first performed in 1816.  Here, the character Figaro is introduced to the audience, singing about all the things he is and does.

Here it is in Italian for our Italian-Speaking Friends…and those who might know the language.

Try just saying these words…then once you do that, say them as fast as you can, because that’s about as fast as this aria is sung.

Largo al factotum della citta.
Presto a bottega che l’alba e gia.
Ah, che bel vivere, che bel piacere
per un barbiere di qualita!
Ah, bravo Figaro!
Bravo, bravissimo!
Fortunatissimo per verita!
Pronto a far tutto,
la notte e il giorno
sempre d’intorno in giro sta.
Miglior cuccagna per un barbiere,
vita piu nobile, no, non si da.
Rasori e pettini
lancette e forbici,
al mio comando
tutto qui sta.
V’e la risorsa,
poi, de mestiere
colla donnetta… col cavaliere…
Tutti mi chiedono, tutti mi vogliono,
donne, ragazzi, vecchi, fanciulle:
Qua la parruca… Presto la barba…
Qua la sanguigna…
Presto il biglietto…
Qua la parruca, presto la barba,
Presto il biglietto, ehi!
Figaro! Figaro! Figaro!, ecc.
Ahime, che furia!
Ahime, che folla!
Uno alla volta, per carita!
Figaro! Son qua.
Ehi, Figaro! Son qua.
Figaro qua, Figaro la,
Figaro su, Figaro giu,
Pronto prontissimo son come il fumine:
sono il factotum della citta.
Ah, bravo Figaro! Bravo, bravissimo;
a te fortuna non manchera.


Here’s the English Translation of The Largo (from about.com):

Handyman of the city.
Early in the workshop I arrive at dawn.
Ah, what a life, what a pleasure
For a barber of quality!
Ah, bravo Figaro!
Bravo, very good!
I am the luckiest, it’s the truth!
Ready for anything,
night and day
I’m always on the move.
Cushier fate for a barber,
A more noble life cannot be found.
Razors and combs
Lancets and scissors,
at my command
everything is here.
Here are the extra tools
then, for business
With the ladies… with the gentlemen…
Everyone asks me, everyone wants me,
women, children, old people, young ones:
Here are the wigs… A quick shave of the beard…
Here are the leeches for bleeding…
The note…
Here are the wigs, a quick shave soon,
The note, hey!
Figaro! Figaro! Figaro!, Etc..
Alas, what frenzy!
Alas, what a crowd!
One at a time, for goodness sake!
Figaro! I’m here.
Hey, Figaro! I’m here.
Figaro here, Figaro there,
Figaro up, Figaro down,
Swifter and swifter I’m like a spark:
I’m the handyman of the city.
Ah, bravo Figaro! Bravo, very good;
Fortunately for you I will not fail.



Opera and Opera Singers. At 100 db, Why Should We Care?


First, let’s clarify something.  Phantom Of The Opera is NOT Opera.  It’s American Broadway Music.

Ok, now that we have clarified this, let’s move on…

Some have described Opera Singing as “The Olympics of Singing” (or perhaps The Super Bowl of Singing), I’m one to subscribe to this.  Not only because I’ve been an Opera singer for over 20 years, but because, by all benchmarks of singing, it is.  It is the ultimate acoustic expression of a human voice.


“Ah!  There goes another Opera snob”…yada yada yada…Well, perhaps I was, at one time…when I didn’t know better…but having the experience of performing numerous styles

opera is stuffy

snobbish opera stiff

of music over the years, I’ve found that each genre of music requires skill, training and natural ability.  Some genres just require more than others.  Jennifer Rivera, a Mezzo Soprano recently wrote a wonderful article on “Five Things You Need To Know About Opera” and what it takes to be an Opera singer.  It’s a great read and I strongly urge you to check it out.


Did you know that Classical Music and Opera were once considered the “Rock Music” of today?  That the ladies swooned over opera singers, and men wanted to be opera singers, just like all men now (even me) want to be Rock Stars?

Have you ever seen the movie Amadeus?  This 1984 Drama features the music of Mozart and, in many ways shows what life as a famous composer was like during their time.  Although many died in obscurity and famine, some like Mozart were pretty famous during their day.  The general public couldn’t get enough of them.  They were stalked, jeered, cheered, killed and some even died as dramatically as their operas.


Opera has been around since a Composer named Monteverdi.  This Italian changed everything in music to that point.  Up until the early 1600’s, there wasn’t such a thing as Opera.  I’ll leave it at that.   If you want to know more on how this happened, click on Monteverdi link or go here.


As mentioned earlier, Opera singers were the crème de la crème.  The most famous pubic figures of their day.  Many known for their amazing voices, artistry, beauty (not in all cases, as we all well-know) and off-stage antics which the public completely LOVED.

 Here is a list of my 10 favorite Opera singers from any period.

Maria Callas was Glamerous

Maria Callas, A Greek American Opera Singer

1. Luciano Pavarotti

2. Maria Callas

3. Franco Corelli

4. Gino Bechi (see him sing “Torna A Surriento” below)

[embedplusvideo height=”300″ width=”380″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/MCXUnB” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/XpCHV241frw?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=XpCHV241frw&width=380&height=300&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep9329″ /]

5. Renata Tebaldi

6. Kirsten Flagstad

7. Thomas Allen

8. Gösta Winbergh

9. Robert Merrill

10.Lawerence Tibbett

Putting this list to paper was much harder than it was in my mind.  There are so many others that could have made this list for me and at some point I will list a longer, more comprehensive list for those of you who really want to know, at some time in the future.

I know that this list doesn’t contain any “new crop” Opera Singers and that doesn’t mean I don’t like any that are singing right now.  I just have always favored the “old school” performers and this list is just that.

Additional factoids about Opera Singers:

Baritone, Robert Merrill sang the Star Spangled Banner at NY Yankees Games from 1969 to 2004.  He was quoted as saying, “When you do the anthem, there’s a legitimacy to it,” Merrill told Newsday in 2000. “I’m bothered by these different interpretations of it.”


Opera Singer will be at the Super Bowl in 2014

Renee Fleming will sing The Star Spangled Banner at the Super Bowl 2014

Soprano, Renee Fleming will be singing The Star Spangled Banner at the 2014 Super Bowl.  The first Opera Singer to do so in its 47 Year history.

Many Opera Singer have been on the cover of Time Magazine.  Callas, Melba, Pavarotti…

Want to impress your friends with a few Opera terms:  Go HERE.


Want some examples of each Operatic Voice type?  Maybe you can identify what you’d be.  Go here.  There are video examples.  Very cool!

The shortest Opera ever written?  According to The Guiness Book of Music Facts and Feats, the world’s shortest opera is Milhaud’s The Deliverance of Theseus, first performed in 1928 and lasting a mere 7 min. 27 sec. (that’s without an intermission)

The longest Opera ever written?  According to Answers.com Easily, the longest opera would be Wagner’s The Ring Cycle which was written in four parts: Das Rheingold, Die Walkure, Siegfried, and Götterdamerung. It lasts around 18 hours (with intermissions) and

German Composer, Richard Wagner

Wagner wrote the longest Operas ever written.

is normally performed in four shorter performances. By contrast, the longest single performance would be Wagner’s Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg which is around five and a half hours long. But then…”long” is a relative term and much depends on whether or not you’re enjoying the experience.

If I’m not mistaken, The Ring technically is considered to be a tetraolog (or trilogy, with prologue): a grouping of 4 different operas, not a single opera: it therefore would not qualify as a correct response. Also, an uncut version, usually last 15-16 hours, depending on the conductor(s) tempi.

How loud can an Opera Singer be?  For context a refrigerator’s dB level is about 50, an opera singer usually is around 100.  A jet taking off is around 140db.

A Jet Taking off is about 140db

Opera Singers max out at about 100 db.






The Top 10 Opera Houses (excerpted from National Geographic.com)

  1.  La Scala, Milan, Italy
  2. Teatro di San Carlo, Naples, Italy

  3. Teatro Colon, Buenos Aires, Argentina

  4. The Royal Opera House, London, England

  5. The Bolshoi, Moscow, Russia

  6. Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia

  7. Paris Opéra, Paris, France

  8. Opéra Royal, Versailles Court Theater, France

  9. Vienna Staatsoper, Vienna, Austria

  10. Lincoln Center, New York, New York

About the author:
James Anest, Co-Creator and General Director of The Amazing Waiters has been an Opera and Musical Theater Performer for over 20 years.  He continues to concertize and write about his vast experience in the Entertainment Industry.  Visit his blog for more writings, www.jamesanest.com/blog





Three Tenor Entertainment with The Amazing Waiters

Bring elegance and sophistication with one of our Three Tenor shows.  Leading men from the Operatic Stage sing an amazing show from the most beloved operas.  Carmen, La Boheme, La Traviata, Madama Butterfly, The Barber of Seville, Turandot, Don Giovanni, The Pearl Fishers and many more.

Arias, Duets, commentary and even some fun banter make up these interesting and entertaining shows.  This is fabulous entertainment for all ages.

Three Tenor Entertainment

The Amazing Waiters produce Three Tenor Shows

Just like every Singing Waiter show, our Three Tenor shows are customized for your event, whether it’s a Wedding reception, an intimate dinner for two, a corporate function, private party, or huge arena, The Amazing Three Tenor Show will be an unforgettable engagement with elegance.

Download and print our flyer:  Three Tenor Entertainment with The Amazing Waiters. 


Here’s a sample of one of our live shows singing a long-forgotten Placido Domingo love song

Non Piu Andrai from Mozart’s “Marriage of Figero” sung live!


Opera in Orange County California

Will Opera Come Back To Orange County?

It’s unfortunate but we have to think that it will not…at least not in the form of a legitimate Opera Company. But, before we delve into this issue, let’s go back…before the economic meltdown of 2007-2008.

In the US, economy drives the arts. Meaning, that if Corporations and people, in general, are “in the money”, so are the arts. Since the late 2007 US Economic “Meltdown”, the arts have suffered dramatically because no one’s in the money like they used to me. But it really didn’t start there.

Opera, since it’s heyday (ending around the late 1950’s) has been experiencing a steady decline in popularity and attendance. It’s not a surprise, once the popular music of its day, Opera has had the misconception that it’s “out of touch”, “elitist”, “expensive” and “stuffy”…yes and no. On the surface, yes. Ticket prices are expensive. Mounting operas are a massive undertaking. It takes a small army to produce a decent opera that includes sets, orchestra, large choruses, and soloists. The Met in New York City can have as many as 100 Orchestra Performers, 120 Chorus Members, 15-20 Soloists and another 15-20 Supernumeraries (Supers or Extras, as named in the Film Industry), and 30-50 Tech Crew Members. That doesn’t include all the ushers, security and ticket people in the theater, parking attendants, and administrative/support staff. Get the picture? But the part of the picture most people don’t get is, that Opera is not elitist. Opera is quite the contrary.

Maria Callas on Time Magazine

The heyday of opera put Diva Maria Callas on the Cover of major publications like Time.

Opera, like most theater art-forms is a form of expression. Opera, rooted in theater (plays, like Shakespeare and before him, Greek Tragedies) was the medium the common folk flocked to and enjoyed, along side royalty…which was usually their oppressors. Subtle mockery of the class structure was common. Rebellion, aggression and sometimes overt messages to revolt were imbedded in many operas by Mozart, Verdi, Mussorgsky and others. Sometimes riots/fights broke out during operas once messages were realized or even if a singer did not perform to par!

Guiseppe Verdi, Composer

One of the greatest Italian National Composers of all time. Guiseppe Verdi

But that was then and this is now. We found this article about the healthy state of Opera in America by The American in July 2007, just as the economic meltdown was starting. It stated that there were 125 American Opera Companies in the US…more than Germany and Italy and roughly more Americans “attend live opera performances as attend NFL Games.” Roughly 20 million Opera admissions per year. Here, in Orange County we had Opera Pacific, a great alternative to the OC Commute to LA Opera. There were even talks of the company going year-round. Poof! Gone! All in a matter of two years, the corporate and private subsidies dried up and the doors were closed for good.

Rich Orange County has no Opera Company.

With the withering of Opera Pacific, there is no viable opera company in Orange County

Private money does. Corporations, private foundations, and a few still-existing national endowments keep the doors open. Season subscribers keep butts in seats and the General Mangers, their jobs. Beloved operas like Carmen, Madama Butterfly and La Bohème are all-time audience favorites attracting novices and seasoned theater go-ers to alike. Season subscribers love the standards. Another conundrum if you are the General Manager of an Opera Company. You have to please your base but offering new operas and educating the public on them is absolutely necessary if the Operatic Art Form is to survive.

Ticket Sales for Operas

Opera Tickets don’t solely keep the doors open.

Art is timeless. So is great Opera. But the medium on how we receive our art is changing. The Metropolitan Opera in New York has, in the last two years, desperately tried to reach out to the general public by making their opera performances more accessible by offering them in regional movie theaters. Now, one can purchase a ticket at a fraction of the price of a live performance (and save you the air fare to NY City), get some popcorn and sit and watch a LIVE Metropolitan Opera Production in HD streaming directly in the movie theater. Cool! Very cool. As a bonus, the viewer is privy to backstage footage and live interviews of the stars singing as they enter and exit the stage. That’s amazing access. But is it reaching new audiences? The jury seems to still be out.

Beamed Opera Broadcasts into Movie Theaters

Metropolitan Opera Broadcasts live into select movie theaters across the United States

Orange County California is one of the most affluent Counties in California. With over 3 Million residents, it is the 3rd largest population-wise but the smallest land-wise in Southern California. The main artistic center is the Orange County Performing Arts Center in Costa Mesa. Segerstrom Center for the Arts provides all kinds of entertainment year-round and is the former home of the now defunct Opera Pacific.


The Amazing Singing Waiters

The Amazing Waiters 855-899-7701

The Amazing Waiters/The Amazing Tenors-Three Opera Tenor Shows are available for private and corporate events in Los Angeles and Orange County, California.  Featuring operatic performers with the Los Angeles Opera and The Metropolitan Opera, they provide timeless entertainment for discerning audiences.

855-899-7701 (Toll Free)

Amazing Opera Shows

Amazing Opera Shows are now available with The Amazing Waiters!

The Amazing Tenors, parent company of The Amazing Waiters have produced another great option for Corporate and Private Party Entertainment by incorporating the Singing Waiter surprise element, The Amazing Waiters have created great Opera and Popera shows to unsuspecting guests with wild reactions.

Based in Southern California, the exclusive group contains only Broadway and Operatic stars singing specially-written shows similar to Il Divo and The Three Tenors that include made famous by Opera and Popera Artists like Josh Groban, Andrea Bocelli, Mario Frangoulis, The Three Tenors, Sarah Brightman, The Irish Tenors and many others.

All of our Opera Shows are developed specifically for the event.  No two shows are alike.

AMAZING OPERA SHOWS song list includes:


Nessun Dorma” – Puccini [Made famous by Luciano Pavarotti (The Three Tenors)]

“E lucevan le stelle” – Puccini

La Donna e Mobile” – Puccini [from the Opera, “Rigoletto”]

“Toreador Song” – Bizet [from the Opera, “Carmen”]

“Funiculi Funicula” – [a fun Italian Neapolitan Song]

“Torna a Surriento” – [Italian Neapolitan Song]

“Mattinata”  – [Leoncavallo – Composer of “Pagliacci”]

Non Piu Andrai” – [Mozart]

“Granada” – [Spanish Song]

“Largo al Factotum” – Rossini [from the Opera, “Barber of Seville”]

The Pearl Fishers Duet (Les pêcheurs de perles) [Bizet – Composer of  “Carmen”]

“Dio che nell’alma (Duet) – Verdi (from the Opera, “Don Carlo”)



“The Impossible Dream” – [from the Musical, “Man of La Mancha”]

“Maria” – [from the Musical, “Westside Story”]

“Tonight” – [from the Musical, “Westside Story”]

“Some Enchanted Evening” – [from the Musical, “South Pacific”]

“Younger Than Springtime” – [from the Musical, “South Pacific”]

“This Is The Moment” – [from the Musical, “Jekyll & Hyde”]

“Music Of The Night” – [from the Musical, “Phantom of the Opera”]

“Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You” – [from the Musical, “Jersey Boys”]



“Besame Mucho”

“My Way”

“Time To Say Goodbye”

“You Raise Me Up”

“Nights In White Satin”

“The Lady Is A Tramp”

“Fly Me To The Moon”

“O Sole Mio” (It’s Now Or Never)

“Meglio Stasera” (It Had Better Be Tonight)

“Never On Sunday”

“That’s Amore”


“Perhaps Love” [Made famous by Placido Domingo and John Denver]

“I Love Paris”

Couldn’t Love You More” [made famous by Placido Domingo]


The Amazing Waiter - Amazing Opera Shows

The Amazing Waiters provide live Opera Eentertainment.   Call us today!


This is the show you’ve been waiting for! Two-Fold Entertainment with surprise and drama.

For more information on our AMAZING OPERA SHOW or ideas on how we can develop a show specifically for your event, see our web-link, or call 888-899-7701

EVENT PLANNERS:  For a downloadable pdf flyer,  click here.

*The Amazing Waiters produce much more than singing waiter shows.  See our ever-developing website, www.amazingwaiters.com or call 888-899-7701.


The Amazing Waiters are a wholly-owned subsidiary of Entree Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved, 2013.



The Amazing Waiters: Singing Waiter Entertainment

Customized Corporate Entertainment for around the World.

Based in Southern California, we provide live entertainment World-Wide.