Old Hollywood Entertainment With A Modern Twist

Latest Trend: Old Hollywood

Are we late in labeling it? Old Hollywood has returned! Everywhere we seem to turn, days of yore are popping up. Everywhere from TV with Mad Men, to the resurgence of Rat Pack shows (Vegas) to clothing styles on the Red Carpet. It’s everywhere.

Is the public following or leading this trend? Traditionally, trends are set by media and followed by the general public. But is the tail wagging the dog here?

The Amazing Waiters have a great Rat Pack Show.

Relaxed and Entertaining.

Style Never Goes Out Of Vogue – Permanently
There an old saying, “If I hold on to it long enough, it will come back in style.” (God help us if the feathered back hair style re-emerges) and if you’ve lived long enough in this World, you will see that History does tend to repeat itself, even in fashion.

We have to say, we like Old Hollywood. We like almost everything about it. We even patterned a show after it. The reason. It’s cool. It’s retro and people still love good wholesome entertainment.

Old Hollywood is the epitome of style and class. It’s hard to think of another Era that can rival it. 1927-1963 is generally the accepted span of its hey day. Starting with the end of the Silent Film Era and starting with the film “The Jazz Singer” (1927). Nicely detailed by film theorist, David Bordwell, Old Hollywood was the second boom of American Cinema. The first being Silent Movies. Bordwell’s detailed chronicle is worth some reading if you have a good weekend.

It’s not hard to understand why this type of old school entertainment still is desired today. Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. had it goin’ on!

Dean Martin's STAR

dean martin from the Rat Pack of the 1950 and 60s.

For more information on Rat Pack-Styled shows the Old Hollywood Way, call The Amazing Waiters 855-285-8243 (Toll Free)

See our “about me” page. http://about.me/singing_waiters